Mother's Day Card

I didn't get a picture of the completed cards. 
I will for the next Mother's Day and replace the one above that is similar 
but not as cute as ours turned out.

The above page was printed on white card stock 
as I thought this would be better for gluing and folding.

The tulip leaves and stems were copied on double-sided scrapbooking paper.
I had to cut the pages down to fit in the printer but the students enjoyed the 
extra strips that I later put in my classroom BOOKMARKS Box. 
I cut these sheets of 4 bases apart 
as I had a variety of shades and patterns of green to choose from.

These tulips were also 2-sided scrapbooking paper in bright Spring colors.  
Each child was able to choose one whole page from the chalkboard/whiteboard tray 
as they completed the inside things about their mother. 

I didn't really read their card insides
but just generally checked that most blanks were filled in. 
The faster they worked on that part..... the more choices of tulips they had!

I told the students to cut out the shapes just inside the black lines. 
Some were better at this than others.

When all the tulips were cut out, the students folded them in half. (See above picture) 
Then they glued the tulips together for the the 3D effect.

The competed flower was then glued with the leaves on the folded card.

The students enjoyed this project and I even had several students from 
blended families want to make another one for their "other mother."

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